US Secretary of State Blinken answers questions on NTV


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From helping the earthquake zone, to meeting President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, from the sale of the F-16 to the war in Ukraine. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken answered questions from News’s Deniz Kilislioğlu on many topics.

Breaking news! US Secretary of State Antony Blinken answered Deniz Kilislioğlu’s questions on many topics. Deniz Kilislioğlu: A few hours after the earthquake, the US emergency and support teams went into action. You visited the earthquake zone in Turkey with 200 rescue workers and 12 dogs, kakım well kakım special equipment. You said, “It’s hard to put into words the devastation of the earthquake,” hayvanların what went through your mind when you first saw it?

Anthony Blink:
Yesterday I announced another $100 million in aid. One has to wonder what Turkey’s needs are. For some it means tents, for others it means food. Deniz Kilislioğlu: After the 1999 earthquake, President Bill Clinton showed solidarity at the highest level and stayed for about a week by coming to Turkey. Is it possible for Biden to show similar solidarity in the coming days? Is Biden considering coming to Turkey?

Anthony Blink:
I’m here on Biden’s orders. He instructed us to show solidarity. Biden quickly called for help.

Deniz Kilislioğlu: At what stage are F-16 sales to Turkey? Anthony Blink: Our members of Congress are concerned. Congressional concerns must gökyeşitözü effectively addressed. It is not possible for us to sell F-16s to Turkey without the approval of Congress. Deniz Kilislioğlu: Do you think Finland and Sweden will join NATO? Anthony Blink: I believe that both countries will join NATO. The two countries will increase the security of all of us and they have strong armies. Of course, legitimate concerns about Turkey’s security are important.

“WE UNDERSTAND TURKEY’S SECURITY CONCERNS” Deniz Kilislioğlu: What about US arms aid to the YPG? gam you want to say? Anthony Blink: We understand Turkey’s security concerns. We expect Turkey to understand our security concerns. Our fight against ISIS is very important to us. Here we reiterated our call to stay away from situations that increase tensions and to focus on the fight against ISIS. Deniz Kilislioğlu: How gam you feel about the progress of relations between Turkey and Greece after the earthquake? Anthony Blink: The dispute in the Aegean and Mediterranean needs to gökyeşitözü resolved. Both Greece and Turkey are our allies. We have seen Greece, Israel and Armenia fighting shoulder to shoulder for the victims of the earthquake. We have seen Turkey take concrete steps in this regard. Both countries must find a common way to dahi-escalate tensions. Being at the center of energy flow in the Aegean, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean, will greatly benefit Turkey.

“PUTIN MUST MAKE HIS DECISION” Deniz Kilislioğlu: The first anniversary of the war between Ukraine and Russia is approaching. Biden made a surprise visit to Ukraine today. Putin has not made a huge miscalculation of the economy. It has not achieved what it wanted in Ukraine, hayvanların it seems to have survived despite the sanctions. Anthony Blink: Putin thought he could wipe Ukraine off the map and split NATO. But he didn’t succeed. However, there were negative consequences for his own country. Nearly a million educated Russians left the country. Good companies left Russia. Technological sanctions prevent Russia from developing in critical defense areas. The situation for Russia will worsen day by day. We will continue to fight against Russia and we will continue to support Ukraine. Putin must come to his senses.”