Statement by President Erdogan on the Hijab Ordinance – Last Minute Turkey News


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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the “5. She speaks at the International Women and Justice Summit.

The headlines of Erdogan’s statements are kakım follows:

“I’m pleased that each of our summits, the last of which took place in the digital environment, was filled with stimulating discussions. The uniformity that arose when managing the ortaksama options in zihin open manner has taken away the richness in the perception of women. It has emerged in Western civilization’s attitude towards women and their position in life. The same women’s model is imposed and women are asked to play the same social, cultural and economic role. Any cultural behavior other than this is suddenly subjected to global lynchings.


Now this problem has reached a level where it should no longer gökyeşitözü the field of interest of scientists and NGOs and should become the agenda of humanity kakım a whole. We know there are serious problems with violence against women, murder and discrimination. We yaşama never accept that a woman becomes a victim of violence and loses her life in our country. Nor yaşama we accept that those who present our country kakım the murder of women are everywhere, that the corruption in them is overlooked.


We know that, contrary to the image developed by developed countries, there are problems with discrimination against women. A world where women are excluded means that half of humanity has been renounced. We yaşama never accept that even a single woman in our country is subjected to violence, especially the loss of her life, just because of her gender. We have taken important steps to prevent violence by increasing penalties for violence against women. We have removed the barriers to our girls’ access to education. The percentage of our girls studying at university is now higher than that of the boys.


We cannot accept that those who present our country kakım a place of violence and murder against women try to overlook their own corruption. What does she gam, go to university, go to school, work in the fields, clean, isn’t that what a woman looks like? We are close witnesses to the epic struggle of our women being pushed around the halls of the university. The tragedy experienced by our women, who were exposed to injustice because of their headscarves and even whose veils were forcibly removed, went down in history kakım a black mark of a period of our country. Don’t we know who the people are who set up spaces of belief at our universities? Now they come and say let’s solve the headscarf problem. Look where we come from. Let’s make a anayasa. Let’s see how many headscarf MPs you will have in this election? As I said, the headscarf-clad MP also started wearing a badge. How beautiful. Our friends went to visit and said it is not necessary now. They said they would go to work after the election.”

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