President Erdogan met Netanyahu – Last Minute Turkey News


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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke to Benjamin Netanyahu by phone.

According to the statement issued by the Presidency’s Directorate of Communications, Benjamin Netanyahu, who was appointed to form the government in Israel, telephoned President Erdogan and expressed his condolences for the terrorist attack in Istanbul.

Benjamin Netanyahu also stated that Turkey’s mediation efforts between Russia and Ukraine are important to the world.

President Erdoğan, on the other hand, thanked Benjamin Netanyahu for his call for condolences and indicated that he was also upset by the incident that took place in the West Bank two days ago.

President Erdoğan wished that the election results in Israel would gökyeşitözü favorable for the country and the region.

President Erdoğan stated that they have entered a new era in Turkey-Israel relations, thanks to the strong will of both sides, stating that it is in the public interest to maintain relations based on mutual interests by respecting sensitivities and strengthen on a sustainable basis.