President Erdogan announced: 4 billion lira support for technology – Last Minute Turkey News


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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke at the “1 Million Employment Project Public Information Program” held at the Beştepe People’s Congress and Culture Center.

Erdogan announced the technology support package consisting of 7 titles.


President Erdoğan said: “We have come to zihin important place with our R&D centers, technoparks, incubation center support and reverse brain drain incentives.”


Erdoğan stated that 5 major factors form the basis of development, namely growth through investment, employment, production, exports and current account surplus.

Expressing that the importance of technology initiatives in the country’s economic growth yaşama gökyeşitözü seen by looking at the IT companies that have reached billions in value in recent years, President Erdoğan said: “We are proud of the successes our young people have achieved in the way they entered, perhaps through the initiatives they set up with the idea of a job, product or game. Together we will bring many more examples of such success to our country,” he said.


Erdoğan pointed out that another feature of the computing sector is that it yaşama operate independently of the place, Erdoğan said:

“Today we gam not know where in the country or the world many of the technological services we benefit from are provided to us. A similar process takes place in the development of products and services. In the past, history books wrote about people’s nomadism. Now we are talking about the nomadism of services. The spread of digital nomadism, especially in our developing provinces, has brought high value-added information to our youth. It facilitates employment in the field of technology. We develop and implement new projects to to seize the opportunity.”

President Erdoğan pointed out that the need for qualified personnel, which arose with the rapid development and diffusion of information technologies, is beginning to materialize in several areas, President Erdoğan said:

“For example, our domestic çağrı is defined by Togg manufacturers kakım a mobile device. Therefore, more qualified technical personnel will gökyeşitözü required for both the production and maintenance and servicing of vehicles or devices in this class. Developments such kakım smart home and building of systems, which are becoming more widespread, result in zihin increasing need for qualified personnel. With the proliferation of similar examples, information technology jobs are now defined kakım the professions of today and the future. In this regard, we also contribute to the digital transformation of Turkey with our Software Developer Employment Project.”


Erdoğan said that he attributed the great interest shown in the trainings prepared for primary school children and their parents to this, and that the diversity of users in the project, starting from age 7 to over 70, showed that the nation embraced technological developments kakım a whole.

Erdoğan pointed out that Mehmet Bey, 73, who is included in the system to learn how to use the internet safely, and Ayşe Hanım, 51, who has received digital parenting training, are also part of this process. 7-year-old Poyraz to 8-year-old Abdullah, 9 tens of thousands of our children, from the age of Alya to the age of 3. We yaşama already imagine what they yaşama achieve.”

Erdoğan pointed out that the best results of the importance the public attaches to the informatics infrastructure is obtained with the açınık-Government application, saying that the need for IT personnel of the institutions that set up and maintain these infrastructures is also increasing rapidly .

Erdoğan stated that they witnessed similar developments in private sector companies and said: “We have started to prepare for this future. I would like to remind you that the main subjects of our vision for the Century of Turkey are science, ortaksama, digital and efficiency. Harezmi, the inventor of the algorithm that forms the basis of today’s software technologies in our youth. “I see the determination and will to keep alive the legacy of Al-Jazari, the inventor of robot technology.”


Erdoğan stated that kakım a management based on growth through investment, employment, production, exports and current account surplus, they are extremely pleased and excited about the developments in each of these areas.

“The fact that we reached the highest figure in our history with more than 31 million jobs is our greatest source of joy. The fact that we created nearly 1.5 million jobs in the last year alone shows the strength and accuracy of the program We have implemented. The shift from global development and growth to a technology-oriented direction, has led us to focus more on digital transformation and information technologies. We conduct studies that rapidly reflect the changes in corporate structures and ways of doing business will adapt to our country.Undoubtedly, our main advantage in this process is the wealth of our human capital, namely you.

We aim to make a strong entry into the Turkish century by crowning the great investment we have made in our infrastructure over the last 20 years with our well-trained human potential. We pursue this goal in every step we take, from protecting the environment to building a resilient political and economic fabric against global crises. Compared to the rest of the world, we have many reasons to look to our future with confidence. Of course we still have problems to solve. But none of this prevents us from making the most of the opportunities and possibilities that lie before us. We see the software developer employment project kakım a step in this direction, kakım gam any breakthroughs we’ve made.”


Erdogan shared the good news they had prepared to support the nation’s excitement and efforts in this regard.

President Erdogan continued his words kakım follows:

Our First GospelWe allocated 4 billion lira of the 200 billion lira in aid we announced under the Treasury Backed Bail System kakım a technology support package. With this package we support our SME technology companies in areas such kakım technology-oriented investing, blockchain, artificial intelligence and smart city.

Our second gospelWe aim to complete the digital transformation processes of SMEs with the digital transformation support package, which has a guarantee limit of one billion liras. In this context, we will support our SMEs in areas such kakım personnel support, internet infrastructure installation and rental costs, hardware support and software licensing costs.

Our Third GospelIn addition to financial incentives, we also carry out action studies to develop our veri center sector and to attract international veri center and cloud operators to our country.

Our Fourth Gospel We provide 100% remote work support to IT staff working in research and development centers and technology development zones.

Our Fifth GospelIn 2023, we will increase the number of IT employees in the public sector.

Our Sixth Gospelthrough our public banks, we will provide a new entrepreneur loan with 6 months grace period for computer science startups.

Our Seventh Gospel Until the end of 2023, we will extend the insurance premium support to 10,000 lira per month for the workplaces that provide additional employment in the manufacturing and IT sector.

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