Official Journal Today (Decisions in the Official Gazette of March 7, 2023) – Last Minute Turkey News


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–– Decree amending the Decree regarding aid payment in case agricultural products are stored in licensed warehouses operating under the Act on the Licensed Warehouse for Agricultural Products No. 5300 (Decree number: 6893)

–– Decision on aid to gökyeşitözü granted by the State for overruns to the agricultural insurance pool (Decree number: 6894)

––Decree on Land Consolidation and Development Services on the Farm in Iğdır Province, Karakoyunlu District and in the places mentioned in the attached list (Decree Number: 6895)

–– Decree on the exclusion of the places in Ankara Province, Beypazarı District, whose names appear on the attached list, from the scope of the Council of Ministers Decrees on Land Consolidation in some places in the same list (decree number: 6896)

–– Urgent expropriation of a number of real estate and property by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (General Directorate of Infrastructure Investment) in order to complete the Bandırma-Bursa-Yenişehir-Osmaneli Railway Project in accordance with the established work program and timelines and to prevent disruptions in prevent the provision of foreign credit Decision on (Decision number: 6897)

–– Decision on the urgent expropriation of certain properties in the framework of 154 kV Çaykara Havza-Soğanlı RES-Bayburt TM energy transmission line renewal project by the General Directorate of the Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (Decision No: 6898)

–– Decision on the urgent expropriation of certain real estate properties under the 154 kV Denizli West 380-Kızıldere-3 GPP power transmission line project by the General Directorate of the Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (decision number: 6899)

–– 154 kV (Artvin-Tortum) Brş.N.-Barhal Havza Substation Energy Transmission Line Project, Decree on the urgent expropriation of certain real estate by the General Directorate of the Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (decision number: 6900)

–– Decree on the immediate expropriation of the property numbered 212, lot 17, within the boundaries of the Mengüçgazi district, by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, for the construction of the RMS-A City Entrance Station required for the Supply of Natural Gas to Malazgirt District of Muş Province (Decree Number: 6901)

–– Principles for amendment of the principles related to the price difference to gökyeşitözü applied in the procurement of goods purchased in accordance with the Public Procurement Act No. 4734 and the principles related to the amendments to the principles related to the price difference to gökyeşitözü applied when purchasing services Tendered according to Public Procurement Act No. 4734 (Decision number: 6902)

–– Decision on the establishment of a branch in Gaziantep by the Turkish Human Rights and Equality Institution (Decision Number: 6903)

–– Decision to close the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities under the chairmanship of KTO-Karatay University (Decision number: 6904)


–– Bursa Uludağ University Regulations on the Amendment of the Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education Regulations

–– Regulation to amend Istanbul Gelisim University Postgraduate Teaching and Examination Regulations


–– Communiqué amending the communiqué on imports of used or refurbished goods (Import: 2023/9)



–– Decision of the Constitutional Court of 7/12/2022 and application number 2019/10802

–– Decision of the Constitutional Court of 20/12/2022 and application number 2019/8025

–– Decision of the Constitutional Court of 20/12/2022 and application number 2019/19019

–– Decision of the Constitutional Court dated 11/11/2023 and application number 2019/1001

–– Decision of the Constitutional Court of 11/11/2023 and application number 2019/38252

–– Decision of the Constitutional Court of 19/1/2023 and application number 2019/10793


a – Judgment notices

”’b”’ – Announcements of increase, decrease and subscription

”’formaları”’ – Miscellaneous Advertisements

– Exchange rates set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey and daily values of government domestic debt securities