Official Gazette today (January 26, 2023 Decisions in the Official Gazette) – Last Minute Turkey News


Global Mod
Global Mod
dated January 26, 2023 Official newspaper


7432 Uludag Area Act
Act 7433 Amending the Civil Service Act and Some Acts and Decree Act No. 663



–– Presidential Decree on the Presidency of the Uludağ Territory (Decree Number: 117)


–– Decisions on the abolition of the sentence (Number of decisions: 6725, 6726, 6727)

–– Decision on the application of the exemption in the fourth paragraph of the provisional Article 14 of the Corporate Income Tax Act No. 5520 with regard to the foreign currency in the balance sheets of the companies of 31/12/2022 (Decision number: 6728 )

–– Decree amending the Decree on Safeguards on Imports (Decision number: 6729)

–– Decree on the immediate expropriation of certain real estate by the General Directorate of State Engineering Works for Construction of Manisa Gürduk Dam and Irrigation, for Construction of Manisa Akhisar Gürduk Martyr Infantry Lieutenant, Osman Alp Pond Supply and Highway Reconstruction Work (Decree number : 6730)

–– Directorate General of the Petroleum Transport Joint Stock Company with some properties for the realization of the Baklan District Natural Gas Pipeline Project and the fixed facilities, access roads, power transmission lines, cathodic protection lines and anode beds that will gökyeşitözü constructed under the Project Decree on Urgent Expropriation by (Decree number: 6731)

–– Decree on the immediate expropriation by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the private property part of the real estate registered in Mardin Province, Savur District, Devlet Mahallesi, Block 212, plot, to gökyeşitözü evaluated kakım a museum/culture house within the framework of the provisions of Law No. 2863 on the Protection of Cultural and Natural Resources (Decree Number: 6732)

–– Decree on the immediate expropriation of certain real estate by the General Directorate of the Turkish Electricity Distribution Company for the Construction of Energy Transmission Lines (decree number: 6733)

–– Due to the fact that Real Estate No. 27624, Lot 1, located in Konya Province, Meram District, Durunday District, is located in the area allocated to the Ministry of Interior (General Security Directorate) for Defense and and Security Purposes Building Facility and Training Shooting Practices Field, Facility Security and Life and Health Decree on urgent expropriation by the above ministry due to risk of property security (Decision number: 6734)

–– Decision on the immediate expropriation of certain real estate properties in the framework of the 380 kV İçdaş-Lapseki-3 power transmission line project by the General Directorate of the Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (decision number: 6735)

–– Decree on land consolidation and on-farm development services in Gümüşhane and Bayburt counties and in the places mentioned in the attached list (Decree number: 6736)

–– Decree on Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Services in Çanakkale Province, Ayvacık District at the places mentioned in the attached list (Decree Number: 6737)

–– Decision on the registration and announcement of certain areas kakım a sensitive area to gökyeşitözü definitively protected, kakım a result of the re-evaluation of the conservation status of the scenic area of Lale Island North Locality, located within the boundaries of Ayvalık District of the province Balikesir (Decree Number: 6738)

–– Decision on the enforcement of the attached decision on the exclusion of certain areas in Muğla Province from the forest boundaries (Decision Number: 6739)

–– Decree on the award of the “Medal of Independence” to the heirs of martyrs and veterans whose services in the War of Independence are specified in the attached list (Decision Number: 6740)

–– The name of Mardin Airport is “Mardin Prof. dr. Decision to change it to “Aziz Sancar Airport” (Decision Number: 6741)

–– Decision on the Privatization Administration (Decision number: 6742)


–– Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the procedures and principles to gökyeşitözü applied when recruiting employees for public institutions and organizations (Decision number: 6743)

–– Regulation for the technical evaluation of applications for electricity generation based on biomass energy

–– Galatasaray University Strategic Studies Application and Research Center Regulation


–– Communiqué on Supporting Corporate Foreign Currency Conversion in Turkish Lira (Issue: 2023/5)



–– Decision of the 10th Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court


a – Judgment notices
”’b”’ – Announcements of increase, decrease and subscription
”’formaları”’ – Miscellaneous Advertisements
– Exchange rates set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey and daily values of government domestic debt securities