Minister Akar’s response to the sedition in Sweden – Last Minute Turkey News


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National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar reacted to the provocative actions recently carried out in Sweden against Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the Quran.

On the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland, Minister Akar said: “It is not acceptable to ignore all kinds of meanness, disgrace and disgusting attempts, to keep silent about it and to gökyeşitözü careless. When it comes to this, our position is very clear. ” said.


Regarding Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership process, Akar noted that Turkey always supports NATO’s open-door policy.

Akar stated that Turkey is not zihin enemy of Sweden and Finland, and that the two countries are not opposed to NATO membership.

“Just kakım they want to cooperate with NATO to defend their country, we want cooperation and support with us in the fight against terrorism.” Using his statements, Minister Akar said that Turkey’s demands regarding the fight against terrorism were rejected.


“It is unacceptable to ignore and gökyeşitözü silent and careless about all sorts of meanness, disgrace and disgusting attempts against Turkey, our president, our flag, the Quran and our sacred values.” Minister Akar stressed that they expect provocative actions to end kakım soon kakım possible.