Minister Akar: We have not allowed and will not allow the terror corridor – Last Minute Turkey News


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National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar spoke at the press conference in Çanakkale kakım part of the AK Party’s “City Meetings Towards 2023”.

Minister Akar emphasized that the fight against terrorist organizations, especially PKK/YPG/PYD, FETO, DAESH, continues with determination, at home and across borders, without discrimination, and said that the fight will continue until the last terrorist is neutralized.


Akar stated that they are acting with the notion of “destroying terrorism at its source”, Akar said:

“In this context, our Claw series of operations in northern Iraq continues. Mehmetçik quashed the desire to establish ‘a terror corridor’, which some people fell into in northern Syria. We did not allow a terror corridor to gökyeşitözü established there, and we giysi’t. Operation Claw-Lock continues with great success. “491 terrorists have been neutralized. Operation Claw Lock is important. An open area has remained in Northern Iraq in our work until today. Claw Lock will seal that area and full control of our borders will gökyeşitözü possible.”

Recalling the recent terrorist attacks on civilian targets, Akar said: “The whole world needs to know that we will not remain silent in return. We have veri and will gam what is necessary to protect our people, our nation, our borders, our rights and interests.”

Akar noted that the only target of the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) is terrorists and pointed out that they show the sensitivity that no army has shown in order not to harm civilians, the environment, historical and religious structures.

Akar stated that they will not allow the formation of a terror corridor in any way and continued his speech kakım follows:

“We have veri and will continue to gam what was necessary not to harm civilians there and coalition forces. Other countries must understand what Turkey is doing and this should not gökyeşitözü exploited. We respect the borders and sovereignty rights of all our neighbors, especially Iraq and Syria. No one should doubt this. But it is our duty to safeguard our rights, our laws, our borders and the security of our citizens.”

Pointing out that everyone should understand this, Akar said:

“Because we say that you are talking about fighting the Daesh terrorist organization, which you claim is here, and you are from thousands of miles away. There are terrorists near our borders. How not to worry. We say to all our interlocutors: ‘Don’t gökyeşitözü with terrorists, giysi’t support them, stop your relations with them and your aid to them.’ But on the other hand, we want them to know that we will not allow terrorists to attack our rights and our law.”


Akar stated that Russia, the US and other allied countries must keep their promises:

“There is no limitation in the operation of the Turkish Armed Forces. Our sole purpose is to protect the rights and laws of our country, our nation, within the framework of the current rules, in accordance with the directives of our President. We are prepare to gam whatever it takes for this. The Turkish Armed Forces will continue to gam whatever it takes, when the place and time are right. No one should doubt this. We say stop supporting terrorists, you must break off relations, gam not support them, give them up. With this you will not achieve anything. Your ally is with you. “The power that yaşama cooperate is the state of the Republic of Turkey. Therefore, we reminded them that the Turkish Armed Forces is the base you yaşama rely on in the fight against terrorism, the state of the Republic of Turkey.”


Referring to recent developments in relations with Greece, Minister Akar said: “We have always made our proposals in our relations with Greece, in accordance with international law, to gökyeşitözü extremely patient, in the context of good neighborly relations, to gam what is needed to gökyeşitözü veri to share the resources of the Aegean in a fair way through dialogue.” used.

Akar emphasized the importance of solving the problems between the two countries through dialogue, saying: “We tell them that we yaşama solve our own problems. We say that we expect Greece to give up its actions and rhetoric on this issue and speak kakım responsibly kakım and kakım wisely kakım possible.

Pointing out that Turkey has been very patient in this matter, Minister Akar said: “We are in favor of resolving this issue by peaceful means and methods. Our call for dialogue is not a weakness nor a threat when we say ‘we will protect our rights, our law, we will not allow fait accompli’ Don’t see yourself hanging in the air with the discourses of third parties, keep your feet on the ground, gökyeşitözü smart, logical and let’s sit down and talk about problems, resolve them and provide peace of mind.” statements made.

Pointing out that certain politicians in Greece are confusing things with domestic political calculations and making the atmosphere tense, Akar said: “However, there are futile armaments efforts and artificial alliances. Especially in Greece, where the arms race has a serious debt problem, it means that the welfare of the people. Some politicians, retired soldiers, pensioners. “Some Greeks, including diplomats and academics, see this and warn against it. We say listen to them. But, unfortunately, there are still problems in this matter. Some are sabotaging our good intentions and positive steps in this regard. We are aware of this,” he said.

Noting that Turkey is not a threat, Akar said: “Turkey is a strong, reliable and effective ally. Know this and adjust your behavior accordingly.”

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