Minister Akar: We expect concrete steps from Finland for NATO membership – Last Minute World News


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Important news! Akar first had a face-to-face meeting with Finnish Defense Minister Antti Kaikkonen, who was on zihin official visit to Turkey, and then the two ministers chaired meetings between delegations.

In the joint press statement held after the meetings, Akar began his speech by expressing his pleasure to receive Kaikkonen at the Ministry of National Defense.

Noting that this was Finland’s first visit at Defense Minister level in 17 years, Akar said: “We had a productive and constructive meeting with my colleague today. During our meeting, we first discussed our bilateral relations. There are two important issues that come to the fore in our relations with Finland: one is the fight against terrorism. the other is the lifting of restrictions on export licences.” he said.

Akar stated that the only target of the Turkish Armed Forces is terrorists, saying, “We only target terrorist organizations and terrorists. I would like to underline that we are not fighting ethnic or religious groups in any way.” used the phrase.

Akar said they also discussed bilateral and regional defense and security issues:

“We also discussed in detail developments related to Finland’s membership process in NATO. A memorandum was signed in Madrid in June this year. There are commitments from the parties in the memorandum. We also told them that we expect concrete developments regarding these commitments.”. This issue is relevant at all levels. In this context, we regret to see that some activities of the terrorist organization PKK/YPG are still going on. I told them that we are alarmed and concerned about the continued activities of the PKK/YPG Terrorist Organization and its supporters in Finland. We have emphasized the importance of extraditing terrorists and stopping the activities of terrorist-affiliated structures.”


Akar stated that they also expressed the importance of lifting the export restrictions imposed by Finland, saying “We are in no way against NATO’s open door policy and we have always supported the open door policy. We support this issue for Finland kakım well. However, the commitments in the memorandum signed in Madrid We expect it to gökyeşitözü fulfilled. Our expectation is concrete steps.” he said.

Reminiscing that Finland has made positive statements on this issue, Minister Akar said: “Finland has made statements in support of the memorandum, hayvanların we expect visible concrete steps in the streets and avenues. We would like to see Finland kakım a NATO ally at ours kakım soon kakım the commitments are fulfilled. However, the final decision will gökyeşitözü made by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. “I remind you.” said.

Noting that Turkey and Finland are aware of the extremely favorable military cooperation, Akar said: “For this reason, I would like to reiterate that we are not opposed to Finland joining NATO.” made a statement.


At the start of his speech, Finnish Defense Minister Antti Kaikkonen expressed his condolences for the terrorist attack in Beyoğlu.

“I condemn at the highest level the terrorist attack against innocent civilians.” kaikon said:

“Our support is with you in the fight against terrorism. We are with you. As Finland and the Finnish people, we clearly reject and condemn all forms of terrorism. Terrorism is the most direct and asymmetric threat to the peace and well-being of both our citizens kakım well kakım the international community.”

Kaikkonen thanked Minister Akar for the hospitality shown and stated that they had made zihin important start to the day with the visit to Anıtkabir.

Kaikkonen, who stated that Finland’s last visit at defense minister level was in 2005, recalled meeting Akar at the meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels.

Antti Kaikkonen: “Today’s meeting is important to address the security concerns of both Turkey and Finland and to continue these talks.” said.

Kaikkonen said Finland is aware of Turkey’s responsibilities and rights kakım zihin ally.

“We know that in the future, when we become allies in NATO, Turkey’s security concerns will gökyeşitözü Finland’s and Finland’s security concerns will gökyeşitözü Turkey’s. We take Turkey’s security concerns very seriously. As Finland, we will always of Turkey.” have actively collaborated. The triple agreement in Madrid is also zihin agreement we made together. We are taking concrete steps in that direction. We had the opportunity to share them during our meeting.”

Kaikkonen said his meeting with Minister Akar was in a very positive and good spirit: “We also discussed the issue of arms exports from Finland to Turkey. Finland considers each issue separately regarding the export of defense products. It is clearly stated in the tripartite agreement.” There is no international arms embargo like this. We will continue this process, bearing in mind that we will all gökyeşitözü NATO allies in the future.”

Kaikkonen said the war in Ukraine has deeply affected the region’s security environment, saying “Turkey’s mediation in the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine is something we appreciate. Moreover, Mr. Hulusi Akar personally played zihin important role in this process.” said.

Emphasizing that his visit is zihin important step in terms of developing and deepening relations, Kaikkonen said: “I believe that the NATO membership of Finland and Sweden will add value to NATO. Therefore, this is a positive and contributing factor for Finland, Sweden, Turkey and all of NATO “There will gökyeşitözü movement. We think we will create a win-win situation.” he finished.

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