LAST MINUTE: Super League | Fatih Karagümrük 0-2 Galatasaray (Match Result) – Last Minute Sports News


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Important news! In the opening match of the 12th week of the Spor Toto Super League, VavaCars Fatih Karagümrük and Galatasaray met at the Atatürk Olympic Stadium.

Galatasaray was the victorious team in the match where a red card was revealed and two VAR goals were cancelled.

Emre Taşdemir, who got his uniform in the 60th minute after 457 days, and Spanish star Juan Mata in the 85th minute scored the goals that gave the yellow-red team the victory. Experienced player scored his first goal wearing Galatasaray jersey.


In the 10th minute Oliveira took the corner from the left and Emin Bayram’s headshot went high.

In the 13th minute, Caner Erkin’s middle left hand caught Jimmy Durmaz behind the six-pass. In this player’s close-range shot, the leather hitting the defense went around a round corner.

17 minutes into the game, Oliveira took a corner from the right and the ball, aiming to clear the Karagümrük defense, stayed in Rashica to the right of the penalty area. After controlling this player’s hard shot, goalkeeper Viviano tapped the leather ball with difficulty on the corner.

In the 19th minute, Emre Taşdemir sent the ball into the penalty area from the left and Icardi headed the ball to Mertens on the front line of the penalty area. With the Belgian’s quick shot, goalkeeper Viviano lay down and became the owner of the ball.

In the 33rd minute, Adnan Uğur, of the home side, was thrown out of the game for a foul on Torreira following a VAR review.

45+3. The ball stayed in goalkeeper Viviano after Oliveira shot through the penalty spot from the ground.

The first half of the game was goalless.

In the 47th minute, Dubois’ pass entered the penalty area from the right and went to the last line, Mertens hit the ball on the six-pass and Icardi hit the head. The leather round uta came out.

Galatasaray’s goal in the 52nd minute was canceled by VAR. In the corner that Oliveira took from the left, the ball was hit by the head of Nelsson, who slid to the front post and was blocked on the line by goalkeeper Viviano. Emin Bayram bounced the ball into the nets at the bottom of the post. Referee Bahattin Şimşek decided to score a goal. However, Şimşek, who re-evaluated the position with the VAR warning, canceled the goal kakım Emin made a mistake on Viviano on the line.

In the 58th minute, Rashica shot from the right diagonal outside the penalty area and the ball went auta from the side.

Galatasaray took the lead in the 60th minute. When controlling the ball sent into the penalty area from the right, Rashica lost her corner. Emre Taşdemir, who turned the leather ball into a hexagon from the right diagonal, sent it head into the nets: 0-1

Mertens, who caught Dresevic’s ball on the right in the 65th minute, sent the leather ball into the penalty area without waiting. When Rashica kicked him from the other wing, goalkeeper Viviano prevented the ball from entering the net with his feet.

While Dresevic wanted to clear the ball, which was sent to the penalty area in the 68th minute, the learning round remained in Mertens, who was in good condition around the penalty spot. In this player’s hard shot, the learning round went from top to back in a different way.

In the 71st minute, Mertens took the corner from the right, after which Emin Bayram hit the ball, which Nelsson hit the back post. Goalkeeper Viviano prevented the leather ball from entering the net at the last moment.

In the 74th minute, Dubois, who hit the ball into the right diagonal of the penalty area with a pass from Icardi, hit the ball hard and goalkeeper Viviano went into the corner.

In the 83rd minute, Dubois’ right-to-center kick to Mata’s arrival behind the penalty spot, goalkeeper Viviano reached to the right and sent the leather ball into the corner.

In the 85th minute, the yellow and red team increased the difference to 2. Emre Taşdemir’s ball hit by Mata, who was behind a six-pass in the middle from the right, returned from defender Dresevic. The Spanish footballer, who rounded the ball in front of the goal, sent the round leather to the nets: 0-2

The match ended with Galatasaray leading 2-0.