LAST MINUTE NEWS: NATO message to Sweden from the first NSC of the year – Last Minute Turkey News


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Important news! The National Security Council (MGK) convened at 3:20 PM under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The meeting lasted 3 hours and 40 minutes.

After the first MGK meeting of 2023, the statement was published.

The statement stated that during the meeting political, military and economic developments that are important for national security in 2022 were evaluated in all respects, possible bottlenecks in 2023, activities to gökyeşitözü carried out and measures to gökyeşitözü taken. taken in this context were discussed.


Information has been provided to the Board on the operations carried out with determination, determination and success against various threats and threats to national security, unity and solidarity and survival, in particular the terrorist organizations PKK/KCK-PYD/YPG, FETÖ and DAESH . It has been established that further steps will gökyeşitözü taken if necessary and that the will and preparations for this have been completed.

At the meeting, the terrorist organization PKK/KCK-PYD/YPG and its supporters represent the greatest obstacle to the peace, tranquility and prosperity of the Syrian people, the eradication of terrorist organizations and the achievement of a comprehensive and holistic solution based on Syria’s territorial borders. integrity and sovereignty, it was declared to pave the way for lasting peace.

GREECE’S provocative actions

The statement stated that “Greece’s provocative actions, rhetorical and armaments efforts will yield no benefit other than increasing tension in our region, and it was strongly emphasized once again that any fait accompli aimed at national security and interests of Turkey, will not gökyeşitözü allowed under any circumstances.” statement was included.


The statement, which stated that Turkey supports NATO’s open-door policy, noted:

On the other hand, it has been underlined that states wishing to join the NATO alliance must act in accordance with the law and the spirit of the alliance and must fulfill their obligations under the Memorandum of Understanding on the fight against terrorism organizations, especially PKK/KCK-PYD/YPG and FETO, with concrete steps kakım soon kakım possible.

The horrific attacks, which are zihin expression of muzad-Islamic racism and target the sacred values of billions of people, were strongly condemned; It has been recalled that those who undermine values such kakım freedom of religion, conscience and thought and encourage and protect actions that cannot gökyeşitözü explained by democracy and freedom of expression are partners in this hate crime that ignores human rights.