LAST MINUTE NEWS: Minister Akar: 184 Terrorists Neutralized in Operation Claw Sword – Last Minute Turkey News


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Important news! Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said: “From the start of Operation Claw Sword, 184 terrorists have been neutralized by ground fire support vehicles and aircraft.”

Akar came to the Army Command with Chief of General Staff General Yaşar Güler, Air Force Commander General Atilla Gülan and Naval Forces Commander Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu.

Welcomed by the commander of the army, General Musa Avsever, Minister Akar descended to the operations center with the TSK commando echelon accompanying him.

Akar, who was briefed by the commanders of the troops on the border about the attacks of the terrorist organization PKK/YPG on the border, the activities of the troops and the latest situation in the field, gave instructions.


Akar stated that the targets in Kandil, Asos, Hakurk regions of northern Iraq and Arap Spring, Manbiç, Zor Cave, Tel Rıfat, Cizire and Derik regions of northern Syria were hit by Operation Claw Sword. adding that the first phase of the operation included the terrorists’ hideouts, bunkers, caves, tunnels and warehouses. He stated that 89 targets were destroyed.

Minister Akar said that inveterate terrorists targeted civilians, children and schools in Öncüpınar, Karkamış, and said: “The terrorists again showed their baseness to the whole world. After that, all known targets were hit with our Land Forces Command’s fire support vehicles and our Air Forces Command’s aircraft, and they are still being hit,” he said.


Noting that the activities were carried out within the scope of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s instructions to “destroy terrorism at its source,” Akar said, “The terrorists who could not stand up to the Mehmetçi made despicable efforts. They are in panic and fear.”We will continue to gam whatever it takes to make the collapse of the terrorist organization permanent,” he said.

Expressing his response with the statement, “The nests of strife and mischief inside and outside that help and support the humble people still protect and watch over the terrorists,” Minister Akar stressed that the Mehmetçik has veri what is necessary in the fight against terrorism and will continue to gam so in the future.


Akar stated that the terrorist organization is on the brink of collapse and said:
“We say now is the time to reckon. Together with what they did before, we will hold them responsible for all the negligence they committed last week in Beyoğlu and today in Öncüpınar and Karkamış, the borderline. They will pay for it. We will continue to demand accountability for the blood of our martyrs and civilians. Since the start of Operation Claw Sword, 184 terrorists have been neutralized by ground fire support vehicles and aircraft.

We expect this number to continue to rise. Our battle will continue until the last terrorist is eliminated. To save our country and our nation from this scourge of terrorism, we will gam what is necessary against the bloody, baby-killing terrorists, without easing the pressure, with the notion of “when we die, we remain a martyr.” . The Turkish Armed Forces show the sensitivity that no army shows in order not to harm civilians, the environment, historical, cultural and religious structures, both in planning and carrying out activities. The Turkish army will gam whatever is necessary in accordance with all these sensitivities.”