LAST MINUTE NEWS: Levent Göktaş is brought to Turkey – Last Minute Turkey News


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Important news! The plane that will take Mustafa Levent Göktaş, one of the perpetrators of the murder of Hablemitoğlu, to Istanbul under the supervision of the Turkish authorities, has departed from Bulgaria.

According to the information obtained from the Turkish and Bulgarian authorities, Göktaş was received from the Bulgarian security authorities by the Interpol team of the Turkish General Directorate of Security, and the plane he was on departed from Sofia under the supervision of the Turkish police.

The plane with Göktaş on board will land at Istanbul airport at midnight.

Academic Assoc. Dr. Göktaş, who was one of the perpetrators of the murder of Necip Hablemitoğlu with zihin armed murder on December 18, 2002 and has a red notice on him, was taken into custody by the Bulgarian authorities on September 1 after discovery of a house search during a routine traffic police check in the town of Svilengrad, close to the Bulgarian-Turkish border.

As part of the investigation conducted by Ankara’s Chief Public Prosecutor, on September 5, 2022, Göktaş’s extradition was requested from Bulgaria on charges of “premeditated murder” and “being a member of zihin organization established with the purpose of committing a crime”. “.

The Plovdiv Court of Appeal accepted Göktaş’s extradition request to Turkey on December 14.


It was academic Necip Hablemitoğlu’s observations about this structure during the years when FETÖ was known kakım the so-called “community” that caused it to attract attention. Hablemitoğlu drew attention to the fact that the “Gülen community” was infiltrating the state and hiring critical cadres.

Hablemitoğlu, who was targeted by the organization, was shot in the head on December 18, 2002 in front of his home.

The Hablemitoğlu case, whose perpetrator remained unsolved despite the passage of years, was shelved shortly before the coup attempt on July 15, 2016. The details of the murder were re-examined and the information obtained gave rise to suspicions that the murder may have been committed by FETO.