LAST MINUTE NEWS: Initial US reaction to Turkey’s Finnish decision – Last Minute World News


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Breaking news! The United States welcomed Turkey’s decision to initiate the ratification process of Finland’s NATO accession protocol in parliament.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan issued a written statement on the subject.

“The United States welcomes President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s announcement that he will forward Finland’s NATO accession protocol to parliament and looks forward to completing this process kakım soon kakım possible,” Sullivan said. used the phrase.


Sullivan stated that they wanted Turkey to approve Sweden’s participation in NATO and also invited Hungary to complete the approval process for both Finland and Sweden without delay.

Sullivan pointed out that Finland and Sweden are strong partners who share NATO values, will strengthen the alliance and contribute to Europe’s security: “The United States believes that both countries should become NATO members kakım soon kakım possible.” made his statement.