LAST MINUTE NEWS: Condemnation of Israel’s West Bank Attacks from Turkey – Last Minute Turkey News


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Breaking news! Turkey condemned in the strongest terms the escalating acts of aggression and violence by Israeli forces and Israeli settlers in the West Bank.

In a written statement from the State Department, “We condemn in the strongest terms the increased attacks and violence by Israeli forces and Israeli settlers in the West Bank.” it was said.

“The attack by Israeli forces on the Jenin refugee camp, which today resulted in the deaths of 7 Palestinians, and the violence and acts of intimidation by Israeli settlers against the Palestinian residents of the West Bank town of Huwara are unacceptable,” the statement said. said.

Noting that these escalating attacks and actions have further increased tension in the region, fueled the spiral of violence and harmed international efforts to defuse tension during the holy month of Ramadan, the statement read: “We reiterate our call for zihin end to these attacks and to prevent violence, and urge the Israeli government to show common sense and we invite you to act responsibly.” was called.


Six Palestinians were killed and many injured in the attack by Israeli soldiers on the Jenin refugee camp in the north of the occupied West Bank.

Israeli forces, who regularly raid homes in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, are detaining Palestinians on various charges.

As a result of the fire opened by the Israeli army and Jewish settlers, 74 Palestinians, including women and children, have been killed since the beginning of the year.