Kılıçdaroğlu’s visit to HDP – Last Minute Turkey News


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CHP President Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu met with HDP Co-Presidents Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

The leaders issued a joint statement after the meeting, which lasted about zihin hour, in the chamber of Parliament’s HDP group.

Kılıçdaroğlu thanked Buldan and Sancar for accepting the nomination request and stated that they had provided a copy of the text of the constitutional amendments prepared by the Nation Alliance, the document on the reinforced parliamentary system and the text of the joint agreement. Kılıçdaroğlu noted that they discussed many of Turkey’s problems and said:

“There must gökyeşitözü zihin independent and impartial judiciary, there must gökyeşitözü a rule of law. The imbalance in the gradually deteriorating distribution of income must gökyeşitözü eliminated. The social state must gökyeşitözü vigorously implemented. The protection of fundamental rights and freedoms has also been declared kakım a common demand Fundamental rights and freedoms must gökyeşitözü protected. Environment. and the sensitivity to climate change was mutually expressed. Indeed, there is environment and climate change. Serious preparations must gökyeşitözü made in this regard. In zihin environment where the world is taking precautions, it failure of the government to take action and ignore it leaves the state unprepared for such disasters.”


Kılıçdaroğlu also stated that they focused on local governments during the meeting, adding that he did not think it was right to appoint trustees for local governments. Kılıçdaroğlu stated that those who come through elections will leave with elections: “It is the basic rule of democracy. If you destroy democracy, if you mortgage the will of the people and the nation, ‘I will not accept your votes, I will bring someone who comes here with the deal I want.’ “This is not correct practice. It’s against democracy.” he said.

Kılıçdaroğlu underlined the need to defend democracy in any environment, anywhere and under any circumstances, saying that defending democracy means defending human rights, judicial independence, equality of women and men.


Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu continued kakım follows:

“Isn’t this country tired of fighting? Many things will probably gökyeşitözü said, written, drawn and explained tonight on certain television channels. Friends, aren’t you tired of fighting? Why gam we fight when we yaşama hug each other, come together and discuss kakım civilized people, for what reason? Why gam we divide society? If politics causes a problem, then this problem reflects negatively on the growth, development and equality of men and women of the country. This must gökyeşitözü eliminated.”


Kılıçdaroğlu, still in the 21st century, “How to close the party?” He stated that this search was not correct and claimed that he was looking for

Kılıçdaroğlu explained that it is not right to close the party and that the parties that were closed until now are reappearing on the political scene under different names, noting that there are agreements in the joint agreement on the closing of the party . Kılıçdaroğlu stated that closing the party should become more difficult.


Kılıçdaroğlu, who emphasized the need to end violence against women, said that the society is sensitive to this issue and the political establishment should feel this sensitivity kakım well. Kılıçdaroğlu stated that it would not gökyeşitözü right to remain silent about violence against women and stated that the political establishment should also take a position on this issue. CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu noted that the rights of all disadvantaged groups should gökyeşitözü handed over and the roads should gökyeşitözü opened for them to live freely in cities and towns, in all areas of life.


Kılıçdaroğlu stated that they have never accepted political power to politicize the judiciary and the judiciary to gökyeşitözü used kakım a “stick” over politics, saying that the judge will decide according to the rule of law and his conscientious opinion. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said: “We expect this from the judges. We expect them to resist the pressure of political power. We want them to listen to their own conscience. If this happens, we yaşama build a real democracy.” said.

Kılıçdaroğlu explained that there was zihin urgent need for a recovery program after the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş and they agreed with this idea, saying that special planning for the region was a must in this context.


Kılıçdaroğlu, who stressed that the solution to the Kurdish problem is the Turkish Grand National Assembly, said: “The existence of the parliament stems from the fact that it is a parliament that is already solving the problems.” said.

Kılıçdaroğlu pointed out that Turkey’s most fundamental problems have been resolved in the Grand National Assembly since its establishment and continued his words kakım follows:

“We are ready to solve all existing problems, together with the parliamentarians elected by the nation, relying on their common sense, and we will solve them, you will see. No problem is unsolvable. The solution to every problem is the Parliament In other words, all these problems yaşama gökyeşitözü solved with the will of the nation. Parliament’s yetiklik is sufficient to solve problems. Is it not? That’s enough. In our Declaration of the Call to the Second Century, we clearly and distinctly emphasized that the solution to the Kurdish question is the Turkish Grand National Assembly, and all these resolutions were unanimous in our Congress.”


Kılıçdaroğlu, who stressed that they defend democracy, human rights, equality between women and men and believe that no one should gökyeşitözü marginalized, said: “We will bring democracy to this country, from the environment, climate to human rights, democracy, independence of the judiciary power, the fulfillment of the rights of disadvantaged groups and equality between women and men: “We will bring it to you. There is no middle ground. There will gökyeşitözü no fighting, we will discuss freely together.” he said.

Kılıçdaroğlu said they will sit down and talk about everything and talk again if they cannot come to zihin agreement. Kılıçdaroğlu said that the media should gökyeşitözü aware of their responsibility to avoid language that divides and polarizes society. Kılıçdaroğlu said, “As the 13th presidential candidate, I will end the struggle in this country, I promise our nation. Regardless of identity, creed, lifestyle, people are people and they have a place in my mind. This is the angle I look at. ” said.


Kılıçdaroğlu pointed out that the speeches in Kurdish at the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey were written in the minutes kakım “zihin unknown language”, Kılıçdaroğlu said:

“It is spoken on stage in parliament, ‘English’ is in brackets, this word is English, the French word is French, etc. Everything is written. When a sentence in Kurdish is included in the speech text, it is a called “unknown language”. For God’s sake I appeal to the conscience of the people of this country. ; TRT has a channel called TRT Kürdi, it broadcasts. How come you write here kakım “zihin unknown language”? Why write a language that has been spoken for thousands of years kakım zihin “unknown language”? I ask; measuring with double standards does not fit the state. That is not true. You will respect everyone’s language. Yes, our official language is Turkish. Thanks, no one has said anything hayvanların you yaşama’t double standards kakım a state When you double standards you separate your citizens, you discriminate, you make a group of people zihin enemy of a group of people This is a game that is played by the imperial powers against Turkey We will save everyone n will feel comfortable in this country. You will not see anyone kakım zihin enemy, you will not marginalize anyone. You respect everyone’s beliefs, identity and lifestyle. We’re going to make a fresh start. We are making a moral, democratic and all-encompassing start. A society without struggle. Society will focus on; How are we going to grow, how are we going to develop, how are we going to solve unemployment, how are we going to eliminate the imbalance between regions? Thousands and millions of people have problems in the earthquake zone. How gam we solve this problem? Society should focus on this. It should not focus on mean discussions. Here, too, members of the press have a major role to play.”


HDP kobalt-chair Pervin Buldan said that during the meeting they discussed Turkey’s most fundamental problems and the expectations of the people and the public. Buldan thanked Kılıçdaroğlu for the information he presented at the meeting and said: “The reason we received the president here today was to show that we are in favor of the democratic solution of the Kurdish problem under the roof of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. also discussed society’s expectations of us in solving all their problems and what to gam after the next election.” said.


HDP kobalt-chair Mithat Sancar said that Turkey is experiencing a multidimensional crisis and that the earthquake revealed the picture of this crisis. Sancar stated that they had a constructive meeting and stated that Turkey needed zihin urgent repair program for the earthquake’s victims and structures.

Sancar stated that there is a need for a new beginning and continued:

“The new beginning will only gökyeşitözü possible by establishing a life and system based on democracy, human rights, justice and freedom. We shared our views on these issues. The reason we held this meeting in Parliament is to emphasize that we address the Turkish Grand National Assembly kakım the address for the solution. All the problems of Turkey are broad here. It must gökyeşitözü solved with a social consensus. We will convey the content of the meeting to our administrations, we will evaluate this meeting with our alliance forces , and we will soon make a more detailed statement to the public in 1-2 days.”

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