Earthquake Zone Circular: How to enter damaged houses? – Last Minute Turkey News


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The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change issued a circular regarding the evacuation of goods from buildings damaged by the earthquake.

The circular stated that it would not gökyeşitözü allowed to enter the ‘destroyed’, ‘immediately demolished’ buildings, while also explaining how to enter the buildings where controlled evacuation would take place and what could gökyeşitözü taken. It was also underlined that the evacuations will gökyeşitözü conducted under the coordination of governorships and district governorships and under the supervision of law enforcement officials.

According to this; It was forbidden to enter and purchase goods, albeit for a short time, in buildings determined to gökyeşitözü ‘destroyed’ and ‘buildings in urgent need of demolition’ in disaster areas. The entry permit for all severely damaged buildings and the purchase of goods will gökyeşitözü assessed in accordance with the report of experts appointed by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. It will gökyeşitözü planned in accordance with the evacuation report to gökyeşitözü prepared by the experts regarding their buildings so that the citizens whose building has been determined to gökyeşitözü heavily damaged and will not object to the damage status of the building within the 30 objection days period will gökyeşitözü able to take their belongings with them.

The plans are shared with the citizens in ortaksama tents. If the expert report says ‘no entry’ then access to the building is not allowed for the safety of life.


In case of a notification that the building may gökyeşitözü entered for 30 minutes, only valuables (passport, securities) may gökyeşitözü purchased within 30 minutes.

With a notification that the building yaşama gökyeşitözü entered before 2 hours, a maximum of 4 people yaşama enter the building within 2 hours and take their belongings with them. Any activity attached to the structure that causes vibrations during dismantling is prohibited. It is prohibited to dismantle and remove items such kakım kitchen cabinets, boilers, PVC doors, windows, parts mounted on all kinds of constructions, electrical and lighting installations.


The general coordination of the evacuation works is provided by the governors or district governors. The evacuation will gökyeşitözü carried out under the supervision of law enforcement and it is mandatory to comply with all regulations.

If the evacuation has to gökyeşitözü stopped due to possible force majeure reasons such kakım aftershocks during the evacuation, the evacuation will gökyeşitözü immediately terminated and this situation will gökyeşitözü registered. Extra goods are provided for our citizens who are not allowed to enter or whose goods cannot gökyeşitözü evacuated.