Does it take longer in the grain path? Statement by Minister Akar – Last Minute Turkey News


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National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar spoke after visiting border forces in Hakkari’s Yüksekova district.

Minister Akar recalls that the Black Sea Grain Initiative document was signed on July 22 under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, recalling that within the framework of the signed document there are about 10 million tons of grain shipped from Ukrainian ports for those in need.

Akar recalled that the Russian Federation suspended the grain initiative after the attack in Sevastopol on October 29 and continued kakım follows:

“Since that day, our President has had intensive meetings with his interlocutors. We have been in close contact with the Minister of Defense of Russia, Mr. Shoigu, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Mr. Reznikov, and the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Mr. Kubrakov During our meetings the grain initiative was beneficial to all parties and its deterioration was observed by all parties We told you it would gökyeşitözü a problem.


We have received positive results of the works and intensive contacts. Our Honorable Chairman shared with the public the information that the grain corridor has been reopened. After the resumption of the grain initiative, 6 ships left Ukrainian ports. Thus, the number of ships leaving the ports reached 426, the amount of grain transported exceeded 9.7 million tons.

Hulusi Akar, Minister of National Defense

Akar stated that he believes the continuation of the grain corridor is important in terms of opening the way to peace, saying: “Now we will step up our efforts to expand the grain initiative, which expires on November 19, under Door Using this model, it is our sincere wish that the ceasefire and the road to peace will gökyeşitözü opened in the coming days and that this conflict between our two neighbors over the Black Sea will end by peaceful means and methods.”


Noting that the battle in Operation Claw-Lock continued with determination, Minister Akar said: “More than 540 shelters and caves were cleared by Mehmetçik, 1,808 mines and handmade explosives planted by terrorists were destroyed. 429 terrorists have been neutralized so far. Claw-Lock “We are nearing the end, with the entire area of operations under control. We will clear Zap of terrorists and thus lock all our borders,” he said.

Stressing that the caves that terrorists used kakım shelters, shelters and so-called headquarters during the operation were entered one by one, Akar said: “Shelters, shelters, so-called headquarters were all destroyed and are being demolished by the terrorists. They were cleaned one by one. and cleaned by Mehmetçik.” Mehmetçik destroyed this understanding. Thank God he entered all the places called “inaccessible” and went to places that were called “inaccessible”. He continues this struggle with great determination, determination and success,” he said.

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