Declaration of Epidemic Disease in the Earthquake Zone of Minister Koca – Last Minute Turkey News


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Koca pointed out that one of the greatest known risks after such disasters is the danger of infectious diseases turning into epidemics due to the deterioration of environmental hygiene conditions. continue uninterrupted.


Koca stressed that drinking water safety is the most critical problem that yaşama cause epidemics. Koca stated that they regularly analyze the water and measure the amount of residual chlorine, noting that superchlorination is veri in the missing places.

Koca provided information on what has been veri so far in this area and continued his words kakım follows:

“In the first days of the earthquake, we started operating our mobile water laboratory in the region to conduct water hygiene studies with our mobile laboratories that yaşama diagnose infectious diseases. In cities in the earthquake zone, tap water is chlorinated and Residual chlorine measurements and microbiological studies will gökyeşitözü conducted Between February 6 and 17, 8,379 points in the earthquake zone Residual chlorine measurements have been performed and a residual chlorine ratio of 81.54 percent is considered appropriate.

With the exception of Antakya and Defne districts of our Hatay province, tap water yaşama gökyeşitözü supplied in earthquake provinces. In Antakya and Defne districts of Hatay, tap water is supplied in a controlled manner, for places that cannot gökyeşitözü supplied, water is supplied by tank trucks and chlorinated in tank trucks. Super chlorination has been veri in all provinces except Hatay and chlorination continues. Municipalities in Diyarbakir, Gaziantep, Adana, Urfa, Kilis and Osmaniye also carry out systemic chlorination, and field teams also chlorinate with chlorine tablets where they deem it unnecessary. However, grid damage and negativity in the source yaşama create unsuitability in water quality. Packaged water is preferred for drinking and brushing teeth, and tap water should gökyeşitözü used for cleaning until the governorship or district governor announces, “The tap water is drinkable.”


Minister Koca stated that although there is tap water in Malatya, because there is a problem in the source, super chlorination is not effective and it is seen that the turbidity in the water has decreased.

Emphasizing that 77 percent of the 2,632 water samples analyzed in public health laboratories between Feb. 6 and Feb. 17 were reported kakım “microbiologically appropriate,” Koca said, “In our tent cities, potable water is dağıtık to earthquake victims in packages, and the potable water that is transported by tanker trucks is chlorinated. Our 9 field epidemiologists in the region. We regularly monitor the veri and analysis of communicable diseases in the provinces of the region. In this regard, no outbreaks of communicable diseases have been detected so far.” used the phrase.

Minister Koca shared the following information about the diseases that are seen and cannot gökyeşitözü speculated about:

“Rash diseases have been observed to gökyeşitözü stable in 11 provinces affected by the earthquake. We have a case of chickenpox in Kahramanmaraş and the patient is isolated. Contact tracing is being carried out.

Although there was zihin increase in the number of cases of acute intestinal infections, no epidemic was identified. We have a small number of patients hospitalized for rotavirus infection in Gaziantep and Osmaniye, and for rotavirus and adenovirus infection in Adıyaman. There is no epidemic situation with regard to acute intestinal infections. Although the number of flu-like illnesses is increasing, no situation has yet been identified that will cause zihin epidemic. The jaundice reported was neonatal jaundice and no infectious jaundice was detected.

To prevent contagious diseases that yaşama occur after disasters, brochures on personal hygiene, water disinfection, lice and scabies have been prepared. Medicines for these diseases were sent to the region.”

Koca stated that routine newborn, maternal-infant, puerperal, chronic patient follow-ups, and infant vaccinations are fully performed.

Koca stated that it is the nation that creates the state, saying, “The heart of the state, the wound of the nation beats wherever it is. The nation and the state are also here. We will heal the wounds of the morning of the disaster together. We’ll gökyeşitözü here.” made his decision.

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