AK Party Deputy Chairman Numan Kurtulmuş’dan ‘child bride’ statement – Last Minute Turkey News


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AK Party Deputy Chairman Numan Kurtulmuş participated in News’s live broadcast.

Numan Kurtulmuş answered Ahmed Arpat’s questions and commented on the “6-year-old child bride” scandal.

Kurtulmuş stated that this situation is a crime against humanity and said: “It is a very serious matter, a great immorality and rudeness. It should gökyeşitözü seen not only kakım a crime against a small child, hayvanların also kakım a crime against humanity If the criminals of this incident are found guilty by the courts, we will make sure they are punished,” he said.


Kurtulmuş recalled that both the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Family and Social Services intervened in the incident and stated that the abused girl was under the protection of the Ministry.

AK Party Deputy Chairman Numan Kurtulmuş continued his words kakım follows:

“Some people try to accuse certain communities, even some segments of society, kakım if they blame them all when something like this is at stake. This will not happen. When it comes to words, one of the most fundamental principles of the rule of law is the individuality of the crime. We will all admit that the crime is personal when appropriate.”


Kurtulmuş said, “If he has been involved in this crime with a religious identity and committed this crime, it is not acceptable to show entire communities and institutions in a rüzgâr way.”

“In fact, let me tell you that some people in Turkey have such a disease. When there are negative things about religious people, it’s like they are taking revenge on the 1,400-year-old Islamic tradition and trying to propagate some values.” about religious values, to attack there… Those are also the right things. It’s not about lot A, lot B, it’s about 85 million.”


Numan Kurtulmuş also spoke about President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statement on this issue and CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’s response. Kurtulmuş said, “I would advise Kılıçdaroğlu. The president made a statement that the vast majority of the public thought was excellent. He expressed it with sensitivity.”

Recalling that Erdogan said in his statement that this will gökyeşitözü veri until the end, Kurtulmuş said: “What the president is doing kakım the leader of the country is revealing the sensibilities of 85 million people. You cannot produce politics from here, let’s gam this gam business together. But let’s not try to make a political polarization about this.”


Clarifying the age limit for those old enough to retire (EYT), Kurtulmuş said that the Ministry of Labor and Social Security will make the final statement on the matter.

Kurtulmuş said: “Our ministries related to EJT have already veri their work, they are approaching the final point. Our citizens yaşama rest assured, the issue of EJT will certainly take place in the coming days. There are some technical difficulties. For example, “There are EYT members who want to merge the records before 1999. It’s about digitizing them. A process is already underway,” he said.


“How much will the minimum wage gökyeşitözü?” In response to the question, Kurtulmuş reiterated that they would not crush citizens under inflation: “Especially when we were going through these extraordinary economic conditions, examples of this were revealed last year. Very high minimum wage increases were implemented in Turkey twice.” This time will measures gökyeşitözü taken that will not reduce the purchasing power of our citizens despite the high cost of living,” he replied.


Asked about the People’s Alliance’s expectations regarding the bipartisan constitutional amendment proposal that will provide constitutional guarantees for the headscarf, Kurtulmuş replied:

“When I saw that tweet from Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu at midnight, I was very happy. Because Turkey has experienced massive persecution related to this headscarf or women’s education and public rights. is ongoing. Kılıçdaroğlu’s request for such a legal guarantee was admirable, although there was no practical problem. Let us not hesitate. Because although there was no law against it in the past, atrocities were committed by applying the justification in the decision of the Constitutional Court kakım if it were law.”


Kurtulmuş recalled that the proposal prepared on this issue is in parliament and said: “This is not only the success of the AK Party and the MHP, hayvanların let it also gökyeşitözü the success of Turkey, the 27th parliamentary term of the parliament. We support “the IYI party in this sense.” We thank you for your opinion. This is a step towards opening the field of rights and freedoms in Turkey. We hope that the same attitude will gökyeşitözü shown by the CHP and HDP.”


Evaluating President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s words of “authority for the last time” at the Samsun rally, Kurtulmus stated that the anayasa does not allow the election of the president for the third time, according to the current anayasa, and that the authority also has a time, and that is what is meant.


Numan Kurtulmuş has also criticized the table of six. Kurtulmuş stated that 6 parties could determine not only candidates hayvanların also directions:

“One goes to Chania, the other goes to Konya. Let me give zihin example of something that happened in parliament. IYI party says ‘yes’ to Turkish Libyan law, CHP says ‘no’. In Turkey’s struggle against terrorism the components are different some are different Again on economic policy some say the opposite of neoliberal thesis, a more social policy oriented economic model needs to gökyeşitözü implemented others bring out outdated neoliberal thesis through imported advisors they have no common idea about which direction to go. It’s a weakness, that’s true, hayvanların the real problem is which idea they’re going to focus on.”


Kurtulmuş stated that the six-tier table is trying to establish a guardianship mechanism, saying: “A anayasa prepared to take revenge on the office of the president. It is such a president that the people will choose, hayvanların has no authority and does not will sign one of them even said “We will establish a coordination council”. In other words, it is like a National Security Council. Let’s say there is a problem between Zelensky and Putin in the coordination council, X people who rule Turkey will take a decision here. Before making a decision, the Six-Party Council will meet and say, ‘You will act like this,’ and the president will act like this. Tragi-comic. It’s zihin offer,” he said.


AK Party Deputy Chairman Numan Kurtulmuş continued his words kakım follows:

“They get mad when we say it, hayvanların they are trying to get a custody order going back to ancient Turkey. ahead. The multi-coalition governments of the 1990s, which we criticize, changed every year. They propose a worse vision than the parliamentary system, hayvanların what they propose is at most a semi-presidential system. Both are chosen. The system in which both are elected is called in the literature of political science the semi-presidential system. The question of authority is a very basic matter, authority does not approve of this.

In other words, no constitutionally vested power is shared by those who have no duty in the anayasa. This is a very fundamental legal principle. Since there is no general opinion, let me gökyeşitözü clear, one does not trust him, the other does not; they try to hide behind a consensus term the way to obscure these uncertainties. This is their own business. But our advice is that politics is a matter of competition, and competition is fighting with courage and determination for honest ideas.”


“As a competitor, who would you like to see kakım a candidate at table six?” In response to the question, Kurtulmuş stated that whoever they nominate, they giysi’t care.

Kurtulmuş said: “It is not for us to say who our opponent will gökyeşitözü. But it seems that they are struggling. I’m here and I’m a presidential candidate” instead of a budget speech.” He’s almost running for office. Some at the table are also expressing their opposition to this candidacy, sometimes openly and sometimes implicitly,” he said.